I experimented today with new staging for my product photos of the Nubbins for my Etsy shop listings. While talking with a good friend who runs quite a successful Etsy shop with her sister, and discussing ways to improve my shop and exposure, she suggested I try to simplify my photos and have less varied colors in the background. I still wanted to utilize my vintage thread spools though. So instead of having them spilling out of a berry basket like I did in my previous photos, I decided to pick thread colors that coordinated with whatever Nubbin was being photographed.
I was inspired by the heart garlands in Etsy seller (and fellow plush-maker) EcoLEFTZ has in her recent product photos and decided to do my own spin on that idea with the thread spools.
Obviously, the "real" photos that will ultimately end up on the listings will be taken with my nice digital camera and will not have the Instagram filter like the above photo does, so the colors will be more accurate.
Apparently, someone thinks she's "helping".
I have the garland set up so I can easily switch out the thread colors according to what color Nubbin I have. I have a lovely assortment. I could photograph vintage thread spools all day.
I will share the "real" product photos soon.