Thursday, June 21, 2012

I'm 30...'s here.  The day that most women dread.  Goodbye 29.  As of 8:30 this morning, I am officially 30 years old.

I can't decide how to feel about it.  Part of me has dreaded it, but part of me embraces it.  Getting older is inevitable...why fight it, right?  (I'm not gonna do that thing some women do and say I'm just "turning 29 again")
Although I don't "feel" 30.  And although I've technically been an adult for over a decade now, I don't feel like a "real" adult.  Most times, I actually still feel 18 (some people have told me I still look it too).  It may run in the family...this feeling of not feeling old.  My dad has been described as being a 15 year old stuck in a 59 year-old's body.  Luckily, I get my young looks from my mom. ;)

Here is a picture of my mom and my squishy-faced newborn self.
(my mom had posted this on Facebook, and one of her old friends thought Mom was me in the picture and that Mom had become a grandmother! LOL!  That made me laugh!  I guess I really do look like my mom!)

Part of why my blog posts have been so sparse lately is that in addition to recovering from craft shows and preparing for other craft shows, I've been preparing for a big birthday party I'm having at the house this Saturday.  So most of the celebrating and cake and whatnot will be happening Saturday instead of today. Today will be pretty low-key for me in terms of celebration.  I feel like I should be doing more since today is such a milestone.  My mom is coming over today after she gets out of work to help me get my house tidied up and prepare decorations for Saturday.  But I'm sure we will pop out to my favorite local cafe for a chai latte (with a shot of espresso).  And maybe get ice cream at the local ice cream shack later when my husband gets home. 

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