Here's a lovely color combo treasury I was featured in this week!

I love purple paired with yellow. (they're complimentary colors you know!) And they're even meant to be together in nature...just look at the iris and the pansy. (God is the original color-theorist!)
After I featured Sugar Shox Crafts in past week's Etsy Favorite Friday post, I was inspired to make a treasury around the humble cassette tape. Even though it's pretty much become an obsolete form of music media, there's still something iconic and nostalgic about the mere image of the cassette tape...and the idea of making mix tapes for friends and sweethearts.
And because it's gone the way of the 8-track and most of us have forsaken our cassettes for CD's and MP3's, cassette tapes are ripe for recycling and incorporating into art and craft wallets/change purses and even to be used as mini notebook covers. Just search Etsy for "cassette tape" and check out the ways crafters are re-using them!
Want more Etsy Treasuries?...go check out "Feeling Fresh", a cute & colorful treasury by ArtSnack...and, as usual, my Treasury Tuesday post on the RNEST Blog.
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